20 Century

Created 1/24/1997
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Slouching Towards Utopia?: The Economic History of the Twentieth Century

J. Bradford De Long
University of California at Berkeley and NBER

January 1997; DRAFT 1.00

[July 1992; DRAFT 0.50]

Copyright 1991-1997.

Do not quote or cite without author's permission; restricted right to view granted for purposes of stimulating discussion and inquiry; do not print or redistribute.

J. Bradford De Long is an associate professor of economics at the University of California at Berkeley, the co-editor of the Journal of Economic Perspectives, a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research, a research fellow of the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, and a visiting scholar at the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco. In the past he has worked for the United States Treasury as Deputy Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy.

Slouching Towards Utopia?: Introduction (chapter 0)

Part I: Themes

Slouching Towards Utopia?: Wealth (chapter 1). Appendix: Measuring Living Standards

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Meaning of Economic Growth (chapter 2)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Genocide (chapter 3)

Slouching Towards Utopia: First and Third World (chapter 4)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Policy and Prosperity (chapter 5). Appendix: Assessing and Accounting for Changing Business Cycle Volatility

Part II: The Road from Yesterday, 1870-1914

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Pre-World War I Economy (chapter 6)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Gold Standard (chapter 7). Appendix: Modeling the Gold Standard

Slouching Towards Utopia: Empires and Economic Leadership (chapter 8)

Part III: The Road to Disaster, 1914-1945

Slouching Towards Utopia: World War I (chapter 9)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Restoring the Pre-WWI Economy (chapter 10). Appendix: Hyperinflation

Slouching Towards Utopia: Communism, Fascism, and Nazism (chapter 11)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Roaring Twenties (chapter 12)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Great Crash and the Great Slump (chapter 13). Appendix: Economic Policy and the Great Depression

Slouching Towards Utopia: Nazis and Soviets (chapter 14)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Climbing Out of the Depression (chapter 15)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Depression at the Periphery (chapter 16)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Falling into World War II (chapter 17)

Part IV: The Road to Utopia, 1945-1973

Slouching Towards Utopia: Present at the Creation (chapter 18)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Great Keynesian Boom: "Thirty Glorious Years" (chapter 19)

Slouching Towards Utopia: False--and True--Starts to Development in the Third World (chapter 20)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The High Tide of Social Democracy (chapter 21)

Part V: The Road to Today, 1973-2000

Slouching Towards Utopia: Inflation and Oil Shocks (chapter 22). Appendix: The Phillips Curve

Slouching Towards Utopia: Rolling Back the Welfare State (chapter 23)

Slouching Towards Utopia: East Asia's Rise (chapter 24). Appendix: Sources of East Asian Growth

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Soviet Union's Fall (chapter 25)

Slouching Towards Utopia: The Break-Up of the Third World (chapter 26). Appendix: Sources of Third World Growth and Stagnation

Part VI: The Road to Tomorrow

Slouching Towards Utopia: Ecology and Population (chapter 27)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Technology and Productivity (chapter 28)

Slouching Towards Utopia: Looking Backward (chapter 29)

20 Century

Created 1/24/1997
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Associate Professor of Economics Brad De Long, 601 Evans
University of California at Berkeley; Berkeley, CA 94720-3880
(510) 643-4027 phone (510) 642-6615 fax