Home Page

Created 2/21/1996

This Is Brad De Long's Website:

 Pages of Special Interest

 Newly-Added Pages
(including draft chapters from my twentieth century economic history book project, Slouching Towards Utopia)

Apology: this website was down for the week before 6/25/1997 (and intermittently down before that) as the old computer that was running it died, was replaced, and hooked up to the network. But it is now back up.

Professor J. Bradford De Long, Department of Economics,Evans Hall #3880
University of California at Berkeley Berkeley, CA 94720-3880
(510) 643-4027 phone; (510) 642-6615 fax
http://econ161.berkeley.edu; delong@econ.berkeley.edu

What's Here:

Including almost all of my economics articles (many of them in Adobe's .pdf format). There are shorter, occasional pieces: op-eds, comments, and book reviews. I am working on a book about the economic history of the twentieth century: Slouching Towards Utopia. Ongoing projects.
In the fall of 1996 I taught: Business Administration 130 (Introduction to Finance); Economics 101b (but its webpage for fall 1996 never got implemented); and Economics 115 (Twentieth Century Economic History). I put a lot of work into the website for my spring 1996 undergraduate macroeconomics course, Econ 100b. Jeff Zax's essay on being a section leader must be read by all section leaders (and by all who have section leaders).
Including an .html version of my resume and my one page biography. Conferences that I have attended or will attend. I spent some time away from academics doing politics. I think that Clinton-Administration economic policy was successful. What I did in Washington.
Links to places in the web and to people I find interesting. My favorite search engine: Digital's Alta Vista. Includes site administration and other private files, but but also includes an open public page on the hardware and software used to create this website. The banner graphic is from a painting of Galileo demonstrating his telescope. His abjuration.

Office Hours:

Fine Print:

Format: Many of the documents in this website are not directly viewable text, but are Acrobat .pdf files which require the "Acrobat Reader" program or plug-in, which you can download for free from Adobe. The use of .pdf files (instead of translating everything into .html, or using .ps.Z) may be a mistake: but .pdf virtual print drivers are better than programs that convert to .html; and I hope that by early 1996 .pdf reader plug-ins will be standard in nearly all WWW browsers.

Fair Use: This website provides you with an automated way to request individual copies of things I have written. Advantages on my side are (a) no hassle in sending it to you, and (b) no hassle in getting you to return the item when you are done--"return" is automatically performed when you clean up your temporary directory. The advantage on your side is that you get it quickly.

If you want to permanently keep a copy of anything you download from the items below, please be guided by the standard "fair use" principles (especially should you want to xerox anything for wider distribution). In cases where I hold copyright I am happy to allow you to redistribute, and even to charge to cover the costs of redistribution, subject only to the proviso that you provide a pointer back to this website and do not make lots and lots of money in the process.

However, I do not hold copyright in many cases. Documents here are copyright their respective holders, not only me but also: the University of Chicago Press, History of Political Economy, the American Economic Review, the Brookings Institution, the Journal of Finance, the Fletcher Forum, the Cato Institute, the Journal of Monetary Economics, the Journal of Economic History, the Journal of Political Economy, the Houghton-Mifflin Company, the Journal of Business, the Quarterly Journal of Economics, International Economy, the Journal of Portfolio Management, the Landeszentralbank Hamburg, the National Bureau of Economic Research, the Macmillan Company, the Smithsonian Institution, the American Council for Capital Formation, the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, the Anglo-German Foundation for the Study of Industrial Society, the Kiel Institute for World Economic Research, the Journal of Law and Economics, the MIT Press, St. Martin's Press, TidBITS, American Art, the San Francisco Chronicle, the Los Angeles Times, the Neue Zuercher Zeitung, Irwin, Harpers, Foreign Affairs, Parliamentary Brief, the Journal of Economic Perspectives, and Microsoft.

In addition, please recognize that the computer files archived in this website are in many cases not identical to the published works, but are somewhat earlier drafts.

Home Page

Created 2/21/1996

Professor of Economics J. Bradford De Long, 601 Evans, #3880
University of California at Berkeley
Berkeley, CA 94720-3880
(510) 643-4027 phone (510) 642-6615 fax