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  CA District 2
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Parents > United States > California > CA - District 02
OfficeHouse of Representatives
HonorificRepresentative - Abbr: Rep.
Type General Election
Filing Deadline June 01, 1864 - 12:00pm Central
Polls Open November 08, 1864 - 07:00am Central
Polls Close November 08, 1864 - 08:00pm Central
Term Start March 04, 1865 - 12:00am
Term End March 03, 1867 - 12:00am
ContributorThomas Walker
Last ModifiedThomas Walker June 16, 2004 11:22am
Data SourcesUnited States Congressional Elections, 1788-1997 The Official Results Michael J. Dubin
PartyRepublican Won09/04/1867
NameWilliam "Bloody Bill" Higby Votes16,053 (52.05%)
Term09/05/1867 - 03/03/1869 Margin1,267 (+4.11%)
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Name William "Bloody Bill" Higby James Wood Coffroth  
PartyUnion Democratic  
Campaign Logo  
Uncertified Votes 23,414 (61.62%) 14,581 (38.38%)  
Margin0 (0.00%) -8,833 (-23.25%)  
Predict Avg.0.00% 0.00%  
Cash On Hand $-- $--  
Entry Date -- --  
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