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  LA District 01
'; var most=999999999999; var mostid=0; var didcan=[]; var mtype=document.getElementById('WhichMap').value; var milk=curView; if (mtype == 'vn') { var totalvotes=0; for(var i in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+i).checked) { totalvotes+=canv[cid][i]; } } for(var j in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+j) && document.getElementById('MpCn'+j).checked) { var newmost=-100; var pct=0; var delta=0; for(var i in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+i) && document.getElementById('MpCn'+i).checked) { pct=Math.round((canv[cid][i]/totalvotes)*10000)/100; delta=(Math.round((pct-(canvotes[i]/287897.000000*100))*100)/100); if (didcan[i] != 'Y' && delta = newmost) { newmost=delta; mostid=i; } } } most=newmost; didcan[mostid]='Y'; pct=Math.round((canv[cid][mostid]/totalvotes)*10000)/100; delta=(Math.round((pct-(canvotes[mostid]/287897.000000*100))*100)/100); contentString+=''; if (delta >= 0) { delta='+'+delta; } contentString+=''; contentString+=''; } } } else if (mtype == 'vd') { var totalvotes=0; allvotesp=0; if (curType == 'P') { var tcan=canpv; } else { var tcan=canp; } for(var i in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+i).checked) { totalvotes+=canv[cid][i]; if (tcan[cid] && tcan[cid][canpty[i]]) { allvotesp+=tcan[cid][canpty[i]]; } } } for(var j in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+j).checked) { var newmost=-100; var pct=0; var delta=0; for(var i in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+i).checked) { pct=Math.round((canv[cid][i]/totalvotes)*10000)/100; if (tcan[cid][canpty[i]]) { delta=(Math.round((pct-(tcan[cid][canpty[i]]/allvotesp*100))*100)/100); } else { delta=pct; } //delta=(Math.round((pct-(canvotes[i]/287897.000000*100))*100)/100); if (didcan[i] != 'Y' && delta = newmost) { newmost=delta; mostid=i; } } } most=newmost; didcan[mostid]='Y'; pct=Math.round((canv[cid][mostid]/totalvotes)*10000)/100; var pvotes=tcan[cid][canpty[mostid]]; var ppct=Math.round(pvotes/allvotesp*10000)/100; if (typeof pvotes === 'undefined') { pvotes=0; ppct=0; } if (tcan[cid][canpty[mostid]]) { delta=(Math.round((pct-(pvotes/allvotesp*100))*100)/100); } else { delta=pct; } if (curType == 'P') { var tname=canname[canptyv[canpty[mostid]]]; } else { var tname=canname[canptyv[canpty[mostid]]]; } if (typeof tname === 'undefined') { tname='n/a'; } contentString+=''; contentString+=''; contentString+=''; contentString+=''; if (delta >= 0) { delta='+'+delta; } contentString+=''; contentString+=''; } } } else if (mtype != 'dr') { for(var j in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+j) && document.getElementById('MpCn'+j).checked) { var newmost=0; var totalvotes=0; for(var i in canv[cid]) { if (document.getElementById('MpCn'+i) && document.getElementById('MpCn'+i).checked) { totalvotes+=canv[cid][i]; if (didcan[i] != 'Y' && canv[cid][i] = newmost) { newmost=canv[cid][i]; mostid=i; } } } most=newmost; didcan[mostid]='Y'; var pct=Math.round((canv[cid][mostid]/totalvotes)*10000)/100; contentString+=''; contentString+=''; } } } else { var demosel=document.getElementById('SelDemographic').value; var demoval=demosel.split(': '); var demopct=parseInt(demog[milk][cid]['Demographics'][demoval[0]][demoval[1]])/parseInt(demog[milk][cid]['Demographics']['Population']['Population'])*100; contentString+=''; } contentString+='
\n"; offices[compare[map][i]['OfficeID']]=compare[map][i]['Office']; } $('#CompareOfficePopup').html(html+"
Parents > United States > Louisiana > LA - District 01
OfficeHouse of Representatives
HonorificRepresentative - Abbr: Rep.
Type General Election
Filing Deadline August 06, 2004 - 05:00pm Central
Polls Open November 02, 2004 - 06:00am Central
Polls Close November 02, 2004 - 08:00pm Central
Term Start January 03, 2005 - 12:00pm
Term End January 03, 2007 - 12:00pm
Turnout 45.10% Total Population
ContributorKarma Policeman
Last ModifiedRBH August 12, 2019 01:14pm
Data Sources
  PartyRepublican Won11/05/2002
NameDavid Vitter Votes147,117 (81.47%)
Term01/03/2003 - 01/03/2005 Margin126,849 (+70.25%)
  PartyRepublican Won11/07/2006
NameBobby Jindal Votes130,508 (88.10%)
Term01/03/2007 - 01/13/2008 Margin119,589 (+80.73%)
\n"); $('#CompareOfficePopup').show(); $('#CompareOfficeChange').show(); } function compareOfficesSelect(office,thedate) { var msel=document.getElementById('ViewMap'); var map=msel.value; map=parseInt(map.substr(1)); $('#CompareOfficePopup').hide(); $('#MapCompareOffice').val(office); $('#MapCompareDate').val(thedate); $('#CompareOfficeChange').val(offices[office]+' - '+thedate+' - Change'); if (officeload[map][office] == undefined) { $.getJSON('https://www.ourcampaigns.com/ajax/OfficeSubDataJSON.php?OfficeID='+office+'&MapImageID='+map+'&PollDate='+encodeURIComponent(thedate), function(data){ for(var i in data['race']) { var d=data['race'][i]; racesubs[map][d['RaceID']]=d; } officeload[map][office]=true; viewMapChange(); redoMap(curView); }); } else { viewMapChange(); redoMap(curView); } } function viewMapChange() { var msel=document.getElementById('ViewMap'); var map=msel.value; var newType=map.substr(0,1); if (curType == 'V' || curType == 'P') { //alert('Old GMap display none'); document.getElementById('map_canvas'+curView).style.display = 'none'; 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} var sweight=1.5; if (curType == 'P') { sweight=0.1; } if (opacity == 0) { opacity=0.1; wincolor='#ffffff'; } dopoly[milk][i] = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths: mpoly[milk][i], strokeColor: turnover[mpcid[milk][i]], strokeOpacity: 0.9, strokeWeight: sweight, zIndex: zindex, fillColor: wincolor, fillOpacity: opacity }); dopoly[milk][i].set('cid',mpcid[milk][i]); google.maps.event.addListener(dopoly[milk][i], 'mouseover', function(event) { putRaceInfo(event.latLng,this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(dopoly[milk][i], 'mouseout', function(event) { remRaceInfo(event.latLng,this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(dopoly[milk][i], 'mousemove', function(event) { moveRaceInfo(event.latLng,this); }); google.maps.event.addListener(dopoly[milk][i], 'click', function(event) { goRaceInfo(event.latLng,this); }); dopoly[milk][i].setMap(map); } } for(var c in canids) { if (canlat[canids[c]] != null && canlon[canids[c]] != null && cancolor[canids[c]] != null && canname[canids[c]] != null) { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(canlat[canids[c]],canlon[canids[c]]); 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} } } var opacity=Math.pow(maxchange,curve); } else if (mtype == 'dr') { var demosel=document.getElementById('SelDemographic').value; var demoval=demosel.split(': '); wincolor='#000000'; opacity=Math.pow(parseInt(demog[milk][cid]['Demographics'][demoval[0]][demoval[1]])/parseInt(demog[milk][cid]['Demographics']['Population']['Population']),curve); //console.log(opacity); } var sweight=0.5; if (curType == 'P') { sweight=0.1; } if (mtype == 'bm' || mtype == 'bv') { var radius=(Math.sqrt(bsize)/3.141529)*maxbubble[milk]*curve; if (bubbles[milk][i] === undefined) { if (!isNaN(geojsonLayer[milk]._layers[i].feature.geometry.properties.centroidlat)) { var pcenter=L.latLng(geojsonLayer[milk]._layers[i].feature.geometry.properties.centroidlat, geojsonLayer[milk]._layers[i].feature.geometry.properties.centroidlon); } else { var pcenter=geojsonLayer[milk]._layers[i].getBounds().getCenter(); } bubbles[milk][i]=L.circle(pcenter, { opacity:0, fillColor: wincolor, fillOpacity: bopacity, radius: radius, cid: cid }).addTo(leafmap[milk]); 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'; $('#MapLocDetails').html(contentString); $('#MapLocDetails').show(); } function remRaceInfo(e) { $('#MapLocDetails').hide(); } function goRaceInfo(e) { if (e.target.feature !== undefined) { var feature=e.target.feature; var cid=feature.geometry.properties.cid; } else { var cid=e.target.options.cid; } if (raceid[cid] > 0) { window.location='RaceDetail.html?RaceID='+raceid[cid]; } else if (curType == 'P') { window.location='VotingDistrictEdit.html?VotingDistrictID='+cid; } else { window.location='ContainerDetail.html?ContainerID='+cid; } } function infoWinKilled() { infowindow=null; } function rollToMap(cid) { for (m=0; m
Leaning Graph
01/30/2004 11/02/2004
Bobby Jindal --2 8 22
Leaning Call: Bobby Jindal (100.00%)
Weighted Call: Bobby Jindal (100.00%)
Poll Graph

03/15/2004 03/22/2004

Name Bobby Jindal Roy Armstrong M.V. "Vinny" Mendoza Daniel Zimmerman Jerry Watts Mike Rogers  
PartyRepublican Democratic Democratic Democratic Democratic Republican  
Campaign Logo  
Uncertified Votes 225,708 (78.40%) 19,266 (6.69%) 12,779 (4.44%) 12,135 (4.22%) 10,034 (3.49%) 7,975 (2.77%)  
Margin0 (0.00%) -206,442 (-71.71%) -212,929 (-73.96%) -213,573 (-74.18%) -215,674 (-74.91%) -217,733 (-75.63%)  
Predict Avg.75.00% 0.00% 0.00% 10.00% 15.00% 0.00%  
Cash On Hand $-- $-- $-- $-- $-- $--  
Website [Website] [Website] [Website] [Website] [Website]  
Entry Date 01/29/2004 00/00/2004 00/00/2004 00/00/2004 00/00/2004 00/00/2004  
MATCHUP POLLS (2 from 2 pollsters)
Adj Poll Avg65.14%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%-- 0.00%--  
Southern Media & Opinion 
65.80% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --
Market Research Insight 
65.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% -- 0.00% --

Steve J. Scalise (R)
 00, 2004 - Aug 18, 2004

Start Date End Date Type Title Contributor

Start Date Candidate Category Ad Tone Lng Title Run Time Contributor

Title Purchase Contributor


Date Category Headline Article Contributor
Apr 17, 2004 12:00am News Bobby Jindal raises million dollars for Louisiana Congressional campaign  Article Gerald Farinas 
Apr 12, 2004 12:00am Speculative David Duke For Louisiana Congress?  Article *crickets chirp* 
Feb 13, 2004 12:00am News Ex-Klan leader: I probably won’t run for Congress  Article jimmyjoe 
Feb 06, 2004 12:00am News [Bobby]Jindal Picks Up Jefferson Parish Endorsements  Article User 490 
Jan 29, 2004 12:00am News Jindal to seek Vitter's congressional seat  Article User 13 
Jan 23, 2004 12:00am Amusing David Duke Mulls Run for Congress After Prison  Article ArmyDem