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Most spoken languages in New Mexico in 2010
English is spoken by 63.96% of people over 5 years old in New Mexico.
Languages other than English are spoken by 36.04%.
Speakers of languages other than English are divided up as follows.
New Mexico
Source: American Community Survey
5-Year Estimates, Public Use Microdata Sample, 2006–2010
    Ages 5 +   %
English 1,197,144 63.96%
All languages other than English combined 674,572 36.04%
Spanish 532,506 28.45%
Navajo 65,493 3.50%
Keres 12,666 0.68%
Zuni 8,908 0.48%
Other specified North American Indian languages 8,846 0.47%
German 7,439 0.40%
French 4,185 0.22%
Vietnamese 3,799 0.20%
Chinese 3,683 0.20%
Tagalog 1,862 0.10%
Apache 1,666 0.09%
Japanese 1,631 0.09%
Arabic 1,582 0.08%
Korean 1,384 0.07%
Italian 1,378 0.07%
Russian 887 0.05%
Polish 812 0.04%
Persian 782 0.04%
Portuguese 768 0.04%
Laotian 758 0.04%
Dutch 730 0.04%
American Indian 697 0.04%
Greek 696 0.04%
Hebrew 646 0.03%
Thai 638 0.03%
Hindi 558 0.03%
Tamil 547 0.03%
Mandarin 481 0.03%
Hungarian 470 0.03%
Total: 1,871,716  

Data are estimates based on a sample and are subject to sampling variability. Data are not displayed where there were insufficient samples with which to compute an estimate.

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