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Gallup's Economic Confidence Index registered -34 in May, reflecting further deterioration in how Americans assess the economy's current state as well as its trajectory.

President Joe Biden and Congress continue to earn relatively low job approval ratings from the public.

Americans support strict border control and fair pathways for immigrants entering the U.S. illegally. Public opinion favors both deportation and citizenship options.

Americans downgraded their "social class" after the Great Recession, and that assessment still hasn't recovered.

An estimated 15 million U.S. adults have used injectable Type 2 diabetes drugs for weight loss. Reported effectiveness is lower among older adults.

Americans continue to rank real estate as the best long-term investment, while stocks have gained in attractiveness and gold has waned.

Seven in 10 Americans say they have given a lot of thought to the election, on par with readings in 2008 and 2020 when voter turnout was high.

Nearly seven in 10 Americans expect home prices to rise in their local area over the next year. Three-quarters think it is a bad time to buy a house.

Residents of the Greater Washington, D.C., region give affordable housing the worst ratings when asked about a list of local resources. A majority are now concerned about being able to pay rent or mortgage costs, up from 2020.

Russia continues to have an image problem two years after its invasion of Ukraine, including among some of its formerly biggest fans.

Americans continue to lack confidence in key leaders' ability to do the right thing for the economy.

A new Gallup analysis explores how the world sees the leadership of the U.S. and China, and the advantages that each has around the globe.

Americans say inflation is the most important financial problem for their family as they continue to give subdued ratings of their personal finances.

Most Americans say care for mental health issues is not on par with care for physical issues. Cost and access are seen as the top barriers to treatment.

Immigration remains the most important problem facing the U.S. for the third month running, and it is a uniquely polarizing issue.

Americans' economic evaluations worsened in April, the first time that has occurred since October, with Gallup's Economic Confidence Index Score falling to -29.

Joe Biden's 38.7% average job approval rating during his 13th quarter in office is essentially unchanged from the previous quarter and is the lowest for any president's 13th quarter historically.

Gallup World Poll data from Africa in 2023 show that the U.S. has lost its place as the most influential global power on the continent, with China gaining ground and Russia recouping its initial losses after invading Ukraine.

Social & Policy Issues

Learn more about Americans' views on present environmental conditions, their rankings of environmental issues and their worries about key issues.

New research from the Gallup-Walton Family Foundation Voices of Gen Z study gives insight into how happy U.S. young people are and suggests ways to increase their happiness.