County, Place or Postcode...
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Caution! Complex shapes and/or too many layers
may result in slow site checks or error messages.

Ensure all the layers you want to search are
turned on in the table of contents.

Define Area of Interest on the map using one
of the following buttons:

Buffer Shapes (optional)
Metres &nbsp &nbsp
Tick to exclude null results
Perform Site Check

Perform Site Check
This is the content of the pane!

This is the content of the pane!

This is the content of the pane!

This is the content of the pane!

This is the Footer of the pane (buttons etc)

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Layer Name
Load Map service or Feature service or WMS service
Map / Feature / WMS URL
Select Style and upload shape file in zip format / gpx / csv file

Drag and drop services(map / feature service URL or WMS from approved providers), images or a csv file (limit of 1,000 features) latitude/longitude information from windows explorer to the map.

'You are using a browser that doesn't support drag/drop use the file upload box below to add your csv:'

Note: The CSV file must store the location in fields with one of the following names:
latitude fields: lat, latitude, y, ycenter, northing, northings
longitude fields: lon, long, longitude, x, xcenter, easting, eastings
Please set the application projection to the appropriate map projection

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Note: Selecting more than 10 layers may cause performance issues and result in a timeout error