Information in many languages

We aim to strike a reasonable balance between respect for speakers of the EU's many languages and practical considerations such as the cost of translation.

Some types of content, such as legislation, are always available in all EU languages. Other content might be available in 1 language only or in a combination of languages that user research tells us will enable us to reach the largest audience in the most efficient manner.

All content is published in at least English, because research has shown that with English we can reach around 90% of visitors to our sites in either their preferred foreign language or their native language. We also monitor users' behaviour to see when they are trying to view pages in a given language, so that we can request translation of the most 'in‑demand' pages.

New content is continually being added and updated on this website. This means that a webpage not available in the language that you wish might simply still be going through the translation process. We publish translations as they become available.

Finding content in your language

This website uses the 24 official EU languages:

Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hungarian, Irish, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Maltese, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish and Swedish.

The language that you are viewing the website in is indicated at the top of each webpage. Click the icon if you wish to switch to another language. The language in which a webpage is or is not available will be specified.

Public consultations and feedback

To make it easier for people to participate in the EU policy and law-making process, the European Commission regularly launches public consultations in the form of online questionnaires. These questionnaires are always available in at least English, French and German and often in most EU languages. Public consultation questionnaires related to new initiatives listed in the Commission Work Programme are generally available in 23 official EU languages.

To learn more about public consultations and how you can contribute to the EU policy and law‑making process, visit the Have your say section of this website.