
SkyscraperPage.com Privacy Policy

The SkyscraperPage.com Privacy Policy document governs how SkyscraperPage.com and its parent company, Skyscraper Source Media, deal with personal information willingly submitted to SkyscraperPage.com through account memberships, forum memberships, email and mail correspondence, and information collected by analyzing traffic patters and visitation characteristics of visitors to this website.

How SkyscraperPage.com gathers information from users

How we collect and store information depends on the page you are visiting, the activities in which you elect to participate and the services provided. For example, you may be asked to provide information when you register for access to certain portions of the website or request certain features from the website, such as the discussion forum or the skyscraper diagram illustrations association, or when making a purchase from SkyscraperPage.com's skyscraper poster store. Like most websites, SkyscraperPage.com also collects information automatically and through the use of electronic tools that may be transparent to our visitors, such as "cookies" and visitation statistics which help us plan server upgrades, website updates and help address performance issues as we study traffic patterns throughout the site. As we adopt additional technology, we may also gather information through other means.

All credit card and transactional information collected through a purchase within the SkyscraperPage.com poster store is handled by PayPal. For users interested in the privacy policies of PayPal, please visit https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/privacy-full

What SkyscraperPage.com does with the information collected

Like other web publishers, SkyscraperPage.com collects information to enhance your visit and deliver more individualized content.

Our website servers are located within the United States and operated by a Canadian-based company. Skyscraper Source Media complies with all federal state and provincial legislations on privacy.

We allow third-party companies to collect certain information when you visit SkyscraperPage.com. These companies may utilize cookies, pixels, or other technologies to collect and use both personally identifiable information (e.g., your name, phone number, physical or electronic address) and non-personally identifiable information (e.g., click stream information, browser type, time and date, subject of advertisements clicked or scrolled over) during your visits to this and other web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services likely to be of greater interest to you. To learn more about this behavioral advertising practice or to opt-out of this type of advertising, you can visit the websites of Solve Media at http://www.solvemedia.com/, the Digital Advertising Alliance at http://www.aboutads.info/, the Internet Advertising Bureau at http://www.iab.net/, or the Network Advertising Initiative at http://www.networkadvertising.org/choices/.

California Civil Code Section 1798.83 permits customers of Skyscraper Source Media who are California residents to request certain information regarding our disclosure of your personally identifiable information to third parties for their direct marketing purposes. You may request a list of all of the third parties with whom we share your non-personally identifiable information by sending an e-mail to info@skyscraperpage.com and placing "California Third Party Disclosure" in the subject line. Please allow up to thirty days for a response.

Google Adsense advertisements

Google's Adsense ads, displayed as 3rd party advertisements on SkyscraperPage.com, may be placing and reading cookies on a visitor's browser, or using web beacons to collect information in the course of ads being served via this website. To learn more about managing cookies stored in browsers and browser cookie settings, please click here (note: the previous link points to a website not affiliated with SkyscraperPage.com and is linked for reference purposes only). Google uses a DoubleClick DART cookie to serve ads based on uses visit to SkyscraperPage.com and other sites on the Internet. Users may opt out of the use of the DART cookie by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.


SkyscraperPage.com does not knowingly collect or solicit Personally Identifiable Information from or about children under the age of 13 except as permitted by law. If SkyscraperPage.com discovers information may have been collected from a child under the age of 13 in violation of this policy, SkyscraperPage.com will delete that information immediately. If you believe SkyscraperPage.com has any information from or about anyone under the age of 13, please contact us through the contact information listed below.

Contacting SkyscraperPage.com

To contact SkyscraperPage.com through email, please visit the Contact Us page.

If you wish to contact us through the mail, please use the following address:
SkyscraperPage.com Privacy Policy
c/o Skyscraper Source Media
PO Box 8412
Victoria BC, V8W 3S1

Changes to this Policy

SkyscraperPage.com reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Please check this page periodically for changes. Your continued use of SkyscraperPage.com following the posting of changes to these terms will mean you accept those changes. Information collected prior to the time any change is posted will be used according to the rules and laws that applied at the time the information was collected.

Governing Law

This policy and the use of SkyscraperPage.com are governed by the laws of British Columbia, Canada.

This statement and the policies outlined herein are not intended to and do not create any contractual or other legal rights in or on behalf of any party.