U.S. Policy

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William M. LeoGrande

The State Department's recent recommendation that Obama take Cuba off the list of state sponsors of international terrorism removes a major roadblock to the re-establishment of diplomatic relations between Washington and Havana. If Obama acts on the recommendation, he will significantly strengthen Washington's diplomatic position in Cuba and Latin America more broadly.

Andrew S. Erickson and Conor M. Kennedy

Recent satellite images show that the Spratly islands are growing at a staggering pace. Tons of sand, rocks, coral cuttings, and concrete are transforming miniscule Chinese-occupied outcroppings into sizeable islands with harbors, large multi-story buildings, airstrips, and other government facilities. The parties behind the construction and defense of these islands remain a thinly veiled secret.

Dalia Dassa Kaye

Fears that a deal will lead to a major readjustment in U.S. regional strategy are overblown. Even if the administration is interested in reorienting its regional policies, there are a number of obstacles that will stand in the way. In other words, as significant as a final nuclear agreement would be, it may not prove transformative.

Philip Cowley

Ahead of the British general election this spring, both Labour and the Conservatives are acting confident that they will win outright. Recent polling suggests otherwise.


We poll experts on whether they think Congress should grant U.S. President Barack Obama trade promotion authority for the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Farshad Ghodoosi

The historic negotiations between P5+1 countries and Iran over Tehran's nuclear aspirations are a diplomatic breakthrough. Whether any future agreements will be subject to international law, however, remains to be seen.

Gary Samore

The basic contours of the recent agreement with Iran are solid, but the parties have a lot more work ahead of them. Here are some of the remaining disputes and how they might be settled.

Ilan Berman

Mixed martial arts has become a way for the increasingly isolated Russia to interact with the rest of the world. The message is clear: despite Western sanctions, Russia is still very much a global contender.

Lauren Carasik

Washington’s harsh rhetoric in the sanctions against key Venezuelan political figures was counterproductive and will damage the United States’ regional credibility.

Bennett Ramberg

Ultimately, the success of the Iran nuclear negotiations will not be determined by this week’s agreement or the signing of a final accord in June. Rather, it will depend on the agreement’s endurance in the years that follow.

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