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The Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, headed by Assistant Secretary Daniel R. Russel, deals with U.S. foreign policy and U.S. relations with the countries in the Asia-Pacific region.

Date: 07/18/2013 Description: Daniel Russel is the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs  - State Dept Image Assistant Secretary Russel: "The well-being and future of the United States is imminently connected to the peaceful development of the Asia-Pacific region, as you pointed out. Four and a half years ago, President Obama deliberately decided to make engagement in the region a strategic priority for the United States of America, and I’m proud to have a continuing role in developing the Asia rebalancing strategy."

APEC Senior Officials Meeting

Dr. Wang (Aug. 27): "The first pillar is the trade and investment pillar, and then the second one is what the Chinese call the innovation, reform, and growth pillar. ... And the third pillar, as you all know, is the connectivity pillar."Full Text»

U.S. Vision for Asia-Pacific Engagement

Secretary Kerry (Aug. 13): "I want to talk to you today about four specific opportunities: creating sustainable economic growth, powering a clean energy revolution, promoting regional cooperation, and empowering people."Full Text» Trip page»

Secretary Kerry Visits the American Guadalcanal Memorial

Date: 08/13/2014 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry pauses after laying a wreath at the Guadalcanal American Memorial in the Solomon Islands on August 13, 2014, before his speech about the Guadalcanal campaign and famed 1942 ''Bloody Ridge'' battle. - State Dept Image

Secretary Kerry (Aug. 13): "I’m so proud that the United States of America is sending a message about the value of life and the value of those who give their life for their country. We never will forget and will do everything possible ... to bring them home." Full Text» Trip Page»

2014 Australia-U.S. Ministerial

Date: 08/12/2014 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry and Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, joined by Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop and Australian Defense Minister David Johnston, address reporters following a series of Australia-U.S. defense and diplomatic ministerial meetings in Sydney, Australia on August 12, 2014. - State Dept Image

Secretary Kerry (Aug. 12): "Tthe United States could ask for no better friend and no closer ally than Australia. Australia is a vital partner in so many different endeavors." Full Text» More» Trip Page»

ASEAN Regional Forum

Date: 08/09/2014 Description: U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry engages in an ''ASEAN handshake'' with fellow ministerial colleagues during a group photo preceding a U.S. meeting with ASEAN member nations in Naypyitaw, Burma. - State Dept Image

Secretary Kerry (Aug. 9): "ASEAN is fundamental to being able to uphold a rules-based system in the Asia Pacific, and ensuring that all countries have a say in how we work together in order to deal with shared challenges. That’s why we’re investing in ASEAN." Full Text» Trip Page»

U.S.-China Economic Alliance

Date: 07/10/2014 Description: Secretary of State John Kerry addresses U.S. and Chinese business leaders attending a roundtable discussion on the sidelines of the sixth U.S.-China Strategic and Economic Dialogue in Beijing, China on July 10, 2014. - State Dept ImageSecretary Kerry (July 10): "China and the United State represent the greatest economic alliance trading partnership in the history of humankind, and it is only going to grow. So this is a very important meeting and we really look forward to hearing from you your thoughts about how we, in the Obama Administration, can grow these possibilities, meet your needs, strengthen our countries, and strengthen the security relationship as well, which grows out of the economic relationship at the same time." Full Text»