Last Updated: August 13, 2011
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The Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan "fact tank" that provides information on the issues, attitudes and trends shaping America and the world. is a portal to material produced by the Center's seven projects and also a home to original material produced exclusively for this site. The Center conducts research in the following topic areas. Click a topic to view all publications in that area.

Studies related to population trends

Domestic Policy
Studies and backgrounders on domestic policy such as education and health care

Studies related to labor, personal finance, consumer behavior and attitudes toward the economy

Election '08
Pew Research Center data and analysis about the 2008 election

Energy and Environment
Studies on energy and the environment

Global Attitudes/Foreign Affairs
Studies related to international public opinion and U.S. public opinion on national security and other foreign policy issues

Analysis of trends in immigration and their impact

Internet and Technology
Studies on the social and political impact of the internet and other technology trends

Studies and backgrounders on legal cases and issues before the Supreme Court and lower courts

News Media
Trends in news coverage, news interest and the state of the industry, plus attitudes toward the press

Politics and Elections
News articles, opinion polls, turnout analysis and more related to national and state politics

Polling History

Public Opinion
Surveys of publics in the U.S and other countries and analyses employing these data

Surveys, analyses and event transcripts related to religion and public affairs

Research Methodology
Studies examining methodological issues in polling

Social Trends
Surveys examining the everyday lives of Americans, at work, at play, in their communities and in their families