Government of Canada
Symbol of the Government of Canada


Welcome message from Ambassador William Crosbie

Ambassador William Crosbie
Government of Canada

William Crosbie,
Canada's Ambassador to Afghanistan

I am honoured to be Canada’s fifth ambassador to the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan.

My arrival coincides with a crucial time in Afghanistan’s young democracy. In August, the first presidential and provincial council elections organized by Afghans took place and in 2010 the first Parliamentary Afghan-led elections will occur. This was an historic undertaking, in which millions of Afghans mobilized to campaign and vote – many at risk to their lives. In the run up to the actual polling day, we witnessed a vibrant political debate covered by an expanding independent media. I commend the Afghan people for having exercised their democratic rights to choose their next government, and Canada is proud to support this historic process, alongside our international partners, as it continues to unfold.

Canada’s mission in Afghanistan has evolved each year. We have an ambitious agenda for the next year as we work toward achieving our six priorities and three signature projects. To accomplish these objectives, our team continues to expand, with our civilian Canadian component now exceeding 105 staff in Kabul and Kandahar, in addition to the approximately 2850 Canadian Forces members serving in Afghanistan, primarily in Kandahar.

We can sometimes forget the scope and the depth of the challenges Afghans mufst overcome. Over 30 years of war have denied millions the chance of an education or livelihood and critically, peace. This is reflected in statistics such as the extremely low literacy rate (12% for women, 30% for men), one of the world’s highest infant mortality rates and high levels of malnutrition among children. These challenges will not be overcome without many years of commitment and effort. Canada is honoured to be in the company of some 41 other countries dedicated to helping Afghans build a future of peace and prosperity.

Canadians are by nature a generous people. Through our government and numerous charities we are making a difference. We know that the future of Afghanistan rests in the hands of Afghans. Despite the obstacles and the continued violence, I am inspired by the strong, committed women and men I meet in this unique landscape, culture and society. The generosity of Canadians will be repaid many times over once Afghans, women and girls in particular, are living in a country at peace and realizing their aspirations.

Welcome message in Dari and Pashto

News release

Ambassador's biography

Questions and Answers with Ambassador Crosbie (also in Dari and Pashto)