• 1.7M people
  • Might Accept Ads

Quantified Publisher daj4ISsTm6BnE

100 index is internet averageUS Demographics Jun 2008

Household Income

Children are considered ages 3-17.

Income represents total household income.

Index represents how a site's audience compares to the online internet population as a whole. An index of 100 indicates a site's audience is at parity with the total internet population.

Monthly Traffic

1,673,227Global People

1,854,616Global Uniques (Cookies)

1,002,027 US People

1,117,357 US Uniques (Cookies)

Monthly Global People Compare Traffic Trends

Monthly Global People

Traffic Frequency

Pie Charts

Business Activity

Business Activity

People tend to visit this site from home.

Site Description

daj4ISsTm6BnE is a top 5,000 destination that reaches over 1.7 million monthly people, of which 1.0 million (60%) are in the U.S.