Members' Message Boards

We currently have two message boards (sometimes called newsgroups or e-groups), intended as online forums where Members can exchange information and news. LNHS Members is a general forum, and LNHS Invertebrates is a specialist forum about invertebrates. Only current members of the LNHS who have paid the appropriate annual subscription can join these message boards.

Both message boards are hosted by Yahoo Groups. To join either of the message boards, you need first of all to register with Yahoo. This requires completing a Yahoo profile. Although this process asks various questions about you and your interests, most of these questions are voluntary and are not required for LNHS purposes. However you will be required to provide your name, an e-mail address, and a user ID and a password of your own choosing, which you will need to quote every time you sign into the message boards.

Once you have registered with Yahoo you can apply to the moderator of either or both LNHS message boards to join them, which allows you to post messages and access member-only features.

You can set the level of access to messages; there are three options:

  • All messages posted on the board to be sent to your e-mail in-box;
  • A digest of messages to be sent to your e-mail inbox;
  • Nothing to be sent to your e-mail inbox, you will access the message board via the Yahoo website as and when you want.

To join the message boards follow these links:



There are two other Yahoo message boards for the London area which many LNHS members participate in. These are independent, so you don't have to be an LNHS member if you want to join, but you will still have to be registered with Yahoo and apply to the moderators of each group: