Westchester District Attorney Switches Political Parties

Westchester D.A.Janet DiFiore (Photo: G. Paul Burnett/The New York Times)

This morning, the Westchester County district attorney, Janet DiFiore, dropped out of the Republican Party and registered as a Democrat. In a statement, Ms. DiFiore -– who was elected in 2005 to replace another Republican, Jeanine F. Pirro –- justified her decision by saying, “The principles of the Democratic Party are closely aligned with my views.” She also took the opportunity to announce her plans to run for re-election in 2009.

Ms. DiFiore did not get any more specific in an interview, in which she described her decision to switch parties as “an intensely personal choice” and remarked that it did not matter what political party she belonged to.

“The underlying reasons are not important because my personal opinions do not affect in any way the way I run my office,” she said.

Ms. DiFiore’s move mirrors a shift in county politics that began in the early 1990s, when Westchester, which used to lean Republican, swung more Democratic. According to the latest party enrollment figures, there are 217,091 registered Democrats in Westchester and 137,206 registered Republicans.

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Perley J. Thibodeau August 16, 2007 · 12:25 pm

I’d say she realizes which political party will be sweeping into national public office, wouldn’t you?

There is no Democratic or Republican way to fight crime.

On Election Night 2005, there were two wonderful Westchester residents, former Justice Janet DiFiore and former ADA Tony Castro, seeking to become Westchester’s District Attorney. Only one could win. The voters spoke, and democracy prevailed gracefully.

That significant Republicans find that their own party’s banner does not represent their “values” is to the credit of the Democratic Party and what it stands for. Ultimately, political parties exist to offer a choice to the voters via our vital 2-party system and serve to make everyday Americans’ lives better. It seems the Democrats have a better platform. Hopefully, this conversion will add to that lofty goal. I just hope that the folks across the aisle don’t feel too lonely having lost Mike Spano and now the DA.

Dated: 8/16/07
Ravi Batra

If she were in China, she’d join the Communist Party. When will we learn that 90% of these contemporary politicians (and probably a large part of the rest of us) HAVE no moral or philosophical center, but only a driving ambition for self-aggrandizement? She might be imagined musing: “I have no permanent friends; I have no permanent enemies; I have only permanent self interest.” If Outer-Mongolians became a dominant voting block in Westchester, many of our politicians would no doubt become Outer-Mongolian.

Yet another principled Democrat. (sarcasm implied)

Well Ms. DiFiore has my full support and acceptance. Redemption is always possible, repentance should always be acknowledged, and any ex-Republican is welcome in the Dem party, I’d say.

Also, apropos of nothing much, she’s gotta be the most attractive Westchester DA I’ve ever seen, too bad she’s married. This could be taken as a backhanded shot at Pirro the vain (who probably also thinks ‘too bad I’m married’ after that Senate campaign debacle).

We have a similar situation in Upstate.
I would wish for a more noble switch: Let’s all register in one of the ‘illegal parties’, so that , maybe we might get ethical representative governance.
(ps: By LAW in NYState , there are only THE two parties: D… & R…All others serve at the whim of those ‘two’)