Parent Topic: ELLIPSOIDS


The following ellipsoids are supported.

  String    Descriptor                   Notes

 E000       Clarke                1866   NAD1927
 E001       Clarke                1880   
 E002       Bessel                1841   
 E003       New International     1967   
 E004       International         1924   Also known as "Hayford 1909"
 E005       WGS                   1972   
 E006       Everest               1830   
 E007       WGS                   1966   
 E008       GRS                   1980   NAD1983
 E009       Airy                  1830   
 E010       Everest               1948   W. Malaysia and Singapore
 E011       Modified Airy                
 E012       WGS                   1984   GPS
 E013       Modified Fisher       1960   Also known as "Southeast Asia"
 E014       Australian National   1965   
 E015       Krassovsky            1940   
 E016       Hough                 1960
 E017       Fisher                1960   Also known as "Mercury 1960"
 E018       Fisher                1968   Also known as "Modified Mercury 1968"
 E019       Normal Sphere

 E200       Indonesian            1974   Indonesia
 E201       Everest                      Pakistan
 E333       Bessel                1841   Japan
 E900       Bessel                1841   Namibia
 E901       Everest               1956   India
 E902       Everest               1969   W. Malaysia
 E903       Everest                      E. Malaysia and Brunei
 E904       Helmert               1906          
 E905       SGS                   1985
 E906       WGS                   1960              
 E907       South American        1969
 E910       ATS77

 E999       Unsupported earth model, where the earth model fields
            are defined in an existing georeference segment.

                                   Semi-Major      Semi-Minor
                                    Axis (A)        Axis (B)
 ELLIPS  Descriptor                 (metres)        (metres)

  0      Clarke            1866  6378206.400000  6356583.800000
  1      Clarke            1880  6378249.145000  6356514.869550
  2      Bessel            1841  6377397.155000  6356078.962840
  3      New International 1967  6378157.500000  6356772.200000
  4      International     1924  6378388.000000  6356911.946130
  5      WGS               1972  6378135.000000  6356750.519915
  6      Everest           1830  6377276.345200  6356075.413300
  7      WGS               1966  6378145.000000  6356759.769356
  8      GRS               1980  6378137.000000  6356752.314140
  9      Airy              1830  6377563.396000  6356256.910000
 10      Everest           1948  6377304.063000  6356103.039000
 11      Modified Airy           6377340.189000  6356034.448000
 12      WGS               1984  6378137.000000  6356752.314245
 13      Modified Fisher   1960  6378155.000000  6356773.320500
 14      Australian Nat    1965  6378160.000000  6356774.719000
 15      Krassovsky        1940  6378245.000000  6356863.018800
 16      Hough             1960  6378270.000000  6356794.343479
 17      Fisher            1960  6378166.000000  6356784.283666
 18      Fisher            1968  6378150.000000  6356768.337303
 19      Normal Sphere           6370997.000000  6370997.000000

 200     Indonesian        1974  6378160.000000  6356774.504086
 201     Everest (Pakistan)      6377309.613000  6356108.570542
 333     Bessel 1841 (Japan)     6377397.155000  6356078.963000
 900     Bessel 1841 (Namibia)   6377483.865000  6356165.382966
 901     Everest           1956  6377301.243000  6356100.228368
 902     Everest           1969  6377295.664000  6356094.667915
 903     Everest                 6377298.556000  6356097.550301
 904     Helmert           1906  6378200.000000  6356818.169628
 905     SGS 85                  6378136.000000  6356751.301569
 906     WGS 60                  6378165.000000  6356783.286959
 907     South American    1969  6378160.000000  6356774.719000
 910     ATS77                   6378135.000000  6356750.304922

There is software available to the public for conversion of NAD1927 coordinates to NAD1983 coordinates. For Canadian users, you can contact the following for the National Transformation package (Version 1.1):

  Geodetic Survey Division,
  615 Booth Street,
  Ottawa, Ontario
  K1A 0E9
  Tel: (613) 992-2706, (613) 995-2613
  Fax: (613) 995-3215

The National Transformation package is also available through the Provincial Survey Agencies.

For American users, you can contact the following for the NADCON package:

  National Geodetic Information Center,
  N/CG174, Rockwall Bldg., Room 24,
  National Geodetic Survey, NOAA,
  Rockville, Maryland 20852
  Tel: (301) 443-8631
  Fax: (301) 881-0154

Parent Topic: ELLIPSOIDS
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