
`; } $(this).tooltip(options); }); $(function () { var group1Data = []; var group2Data = []; //Combine into one array. var resultData = group1Data.concat(group2Data); //Expand height gradually. $("#timelineContainer").animate({ height: "166px" }, 800); //Set date for one year from now. var oneYearLater = new Date(); oneYearLater.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); oneYearLater.setFullYear(oneYearLater.getFullYear() + 1); var timelineContainer = document.getElementById("visTimeline"); var marginOptions = { axis: 10, item: { horizontal: 0, vertical: 15 } }; var groups = new vis.DataSet([ { id: 2, content: 'Konsolidat', }, { id: 1, content: 'Atti Relatati', }, ]); var timelineOptions = { width: "100%", //configure: true, groupHeightMode: "fixed", stack: false, end: oneYearLater, margin: marginOptions, alignCurrentTime: "day", //Show this while timeline is loading. loadingScreenTemplate: function () { return "
"; }, //Remove active state from loader div and set container height. onInitialDrawComplete: function () { $("#timelineLoader").removeClass("active"); $("#timelineContainer").css("height", "auto"); }, zoomMin: 864000000, //Max time-range one can zoom to, in milliseconds tooltip: { //Tooltip options followMouse: true, overflowMethod: 'cap' } }; //Create DataSet with timeline items. var timelineItems = new vis.DataSet(resultData); //Create timeline and set groups. var timeline = new vis.Timeline(timelineContainer, timelineItems, timelineOptions); timeline.setGroups(groups); //Set click event for timeline items. timeline.on('click', function (properties) { var chosenItem = timelineItems.get(properties.item); if (chosenItem.uri !== undefined && chosenItem.uri !== null) { var url = `${window.location.protocol}//${window.location.hostname}/${chosenItem.uri}`; //Open legislative changes in same tab. if (chosenItem.group == 2) { window.location = url; } //Open acts in another window. else { window.open(url); } } }); //Set click event for timeline menu buttons. $("#timelineMenu .button").click(function () { var btn = $(this); //zoom in if ($(btn).find("i").hasClass("fa-search-plus")) { timeline.zoomIn(0.2); } else if ($(btn).find("i").hasClass("fa-search-minus")) { timeline.zoomOut(0.2); } //Fix strange tooltip behaviour on these buttons. setTimeout(function () { $(btn).focusout(); }, 500); }); //Initialize timeline toggle button tooltip. $('[data-tooltip="tooltip"]').tooltip(); //Modify element classes when timeline is hidden. $("#timelineContainer").on("hidden.bs.collapse", function () { $("#timelineToggleBtn").toggleClass("up down"); $("#timelineRow").toggleClass("ui segment"); }); //Modify element classes when timeline is shown. $("#timelineContainer").on("show.bs.collapse", function () { $("#timelineToggleBtn").toggleClass("up down"); $("#timelineRow").toggleClass("ui segment"); }); //Modify legend container so its width is correct. var correctWidth = $(".vis-label.vis-group-level-0:eq(0)").width(); $("#timelineLegendContainer").css({ "width": correctWidth }); //Change legend container width if viewport size changes. $(window).resize(function () { var newWidth = $(".vis-label.vis-group-level-0:eq(0)").width(); $("#timelineLegendContainer").css({ "width": newWidth }); }); //Show timeline beta button after 2 secs. setTimeout(function () { $("#timelineLegendBtn").addClass("timelineLegendShow"); }, 2000); if (resultData.length > 0 && resultData.length b.ticks - a.ticks); //Get date from JSON respresentation. var lastDate = jsonToJavascriptDate(sortedItems[0].start); //Get last date. var firstDate = jsonToJavascriptDate(sortedItems[sortedItems.length - 1].start); //Create new date object 4 months earlier and later. var earliestDate = new Date(firstDate.getFullYear(), firstDate.getMonth() - 2, 1); earliestDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); var latestDate = new Date(lastDate.getFullYear(), lastDate.getMonth() + 2, 1); latestDate.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); timeline.setWindow(earliestDate, latestDate, function () { timeline.zoomOut(0.1); }); } //If timeline has more than 5 items, focus first 5. if (resultData.length >= 5) { var sortedItems = resultData.slice().sort((a, b) => b.ticks - a.ticks); var latestItemDate = jsonToJavascriptDate(sortedItems[0].start); var earliestItemDate = jsonToJavascriptDate(sortedItems[4].start); //Set visible window and zoom out a tiny bit. timeline.setWindow(earliestItemDate, latestItemDate, function () { timeline.zoomOut(0.1); }); } }); //Converts a json date to a JS date object. function jsonToJavascriptDate(val) { const re = /-?\d+/; var dateNumeric = re.exec(val); return new Date(Number(dateNumeric[0])); }
Tip: Legal Notice
Short Title: 212 of 2017 – Marriage Act and other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Act No. XXIII of 2017), Commencement Notice<br><i>Government Gazette of Malta No. 19,852 – 25.08.2017<p class="MsoNormal"></p></i>
Titolu: 212 of 2017 – Marriage Act and other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2017 (Act No. XXIII of 2017), Commencement Notice
Government Gazette of Malta No. 19,852 – 25.08.2017

Link tal-ELI: eli/ln/2017/212
Point in Time:
Keywords :
Language: Ingliż Malti
Format: PDF