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Details for MPH 2B Damase

MPH 2B Damase (damase_v.2.ttf from damase_v.2.zip)
Source: Free download locally.
Stats: Version 001.000 / 002.000 has 2,896 glyphs and 192 kerning pairs
Support: Armenian, Cherokee, Coptic (Bohairic subset), Cypriot Syllabary, Cyrillic (Russian and other Slavic languages), Deseret, Georgian (Asomtavruli and Nuskhuri but no Mkhedruli), Glagolitic, Gothic, Greek (including Coptic characters), Hebrew, Latin, Limbu, Linear B (partial coverage of ideograms and syllabary), Old Italic, Old Persian cuneiform, Osmanya, Phoenician, Shavian, Syloti Nagri (no conjuncts), Tai Le (no combining tone marks), Thaana, Tifinagh, Ugaritic, Vietnamese
Armenian [ show all fonts ]


Buginese [ show all fonts ]

Warning: Unusable for Buginese because of mismatched vowel marks.


Cherokee [ show all fonts ]


Coptic [ show all fonts ]


Cypriot [ show all fonts ]


Cyrillic (Slavic) [ show all fonts ]


Deseret [ show all fonts ]


Georgian [ show all fonts ]


Glagolitic [ show all fonts ]


Gothic [ show all fonts ]


Greek [ show all fonts ]


Coptic subset of the Greek Unicode block [ show all fonts ]


Hanunóo [ show all fonts ]

Warning: MPH 2B Damase doesn't support the consonant-vowel ligatures necessary to render Buhid writing.


Hebrew [ show all fonts ]


Kharoshthi [ show all fonts ]

Warning: Kharoshthi script cannot be properly rendered by this font. It does however contain glyphs for the Kharoshthi Unicode codepoints.


Limbu [ show all fonts ]


Linear B Ideograms [ show all fonts ]


Linear B Syllabary [ show all fonts ]


Old Italic [ show all fonts ]


Old Persian Cuneiform [ show all fonts ]


Osmanya [ show all fonts ]


Phoenician [ show all fonts ]


Shavian [ show all fonts ]


Syloti Nagri [ show all fonts ]

Warning: No conjuncts.


Tai Le [ show all fonts ]


Thaana [ show all fonts ]


Tifinagh [ show all fonts ]


Ugaritic [ show all fonts ]


Vietnamese [ show all fonts ]


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