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Difference Between Immigrants and Refugees

Immigrants Vs Refugees

There actually is no formal legal definition regarding the status of people who are considered either immigrants or refugees. The two terms are among the many terms used to describe someone who changes their country of residence, seeking residence in new nations, regardless of the reasons. These two terms are amongst the hottest media topics owing to growing number of people fleeing their homes in Middle East and Africa, seeking asylum in Europe. So, are immigrants same as refugees?

Who is an Immigrant?

In simple terms, an immigrant is someone who lives in a country other than that of his or her own place of birth. It is the international movement of people to another country usually for permanent residence and the country they migrate to is not their native country. Immigration is a hot topic of discussion in many countries, although when you think about it everyone’s ancestors came from somewhere else at some point of time, which makes almost everybody an immigrant, at least hypothetically. Immigration is when you go to a new country and become permanent residents or citizens of that country. An example would be someone who moves from Mexico to the United States and obtains citizenship. He or she is called an immigrant.

Who is a Refugee?

The term refugee is often confused with migrant, but they do to mean the same thing. Refugees are people who are forced to relocate to another country of which they are not natives of, because of some armed conflict or persecution, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Refugees are people who flee their home country in the wake of repression, political conflict, and climate change. In the past many years, millions of people have been displaced with no access to education, healthcare, employment, or freedom of movement. According to the modern definition as drafted in the UN’s 1951 Convention, refugees are people who are outside their country of nationality and who are unable to return to their home country.

Difference between Immigrants and Refugees

  1. Definition – Both the terms immigrant and refugee are often confused with each other, but they are not the same. An Immigrant is someone who intends to be settled in a new country of which they are not natives. Immigrants come to a new country seeking permanent residence or citizenship. Refugees, on the other hand, are people who are outside their country of nationality and who are unable to return to their home country. Refugees, as opposed to immigrants, are forced to flee their home country for many reasons.
  2. Reason – While both the terms basically mean movement of people from one place to another, the key difference lies in the reason for their displacement. Immigrants leave their native countries to seek citizenship in new countries because of many reasons, such as lack of access to education, economic prosperity, poverty, political unrest, gender inequality, lack of job opportunities, and more. Refugees are forced to leave their home countries to escape from war, hunger, gender discrimination, consequences of climate change, political conflict, or persecution.

Immigrants vs. Refugees: Comparison Chart

Summary of Immigrants vs. Refugees

In a nutshell, immigrants are people who voluntarily move from one place to another, usually to find better job opportunities, get access to education, and ensure better living conditions. Refugees are people who are forced to flee their home country in the wake of repression, political conflict, and climate change. The 1951 Refugee Convention states that refugees should not be prevented from entering a country and they should be allowed to live there either long-term or indefinitely. Anyone has the right to seek protection from persecution under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Refugees are bound to abide by the laws of their host country. Immigrants are however protected under the laws of their own government and the host country’s government.


Can we interchange ‘refugee’ and ‘migrant’?

Unlike refugees, migrants move voluntarily to a new country seeking better job opportunities or living conditions. Immigrants are however protected under the laws of their own government and the host country’s government. So, the two terms cannot be used interchangeably.

Are refugees protected under international law and how?

The 1951 Refugee Convention states that refugees should not be prevented from entering a country and they have the right to housing, education, and work. Refugees are bound to abide by the laws of their host country.

Can we use ‘migrant’ as a generic term to cover all refugees?

Migrant is someone who moves voluntarily from one place to another, usually to find better job opportunities or better living conditions. Refugees are people who are forced to escape their home countries for many reasons. So, both the terms suggest different meaning.

Are there any differences between refugee, an asylum seeker and a migrant?

Refugee is someone who is forced to leave their home country; a migrant is someone who voluntarily moves from one country to another usually to find work; and an asylum seeker is someone who is also seeking safety in a new country but is not recognized officially as a refugee yet.

Can you consider refugees as ‘forced migrants’?

Refugees are people who are forced to migrate to a new place because of some threat to their life. Forced migration is a general term used to describe the movement of refugees and internally displaced people.

Differences between Immigrants and Migrants

An immigrant is someone who moves voluntarily from their home country to another country in order to settle whereas migrants are people who move from one region to another with their home country or who cross international borders seeking asylum.

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  1. I always thought that the refugee concept was included as a subgroup in the immigrant definition. I am glad I have this opportunity to learn more about this topic so I can be more compassionate to and a better teacher for our immigrant and refugee students.


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References :

[0]images from canva

[1]Gogol, Frank. “Migrants vs. Immigrants: What’s the Difference?” Stilt, 29 Apr. 2022, www.stilt.com/blog/2020/08/migrants-vs-immigrants-whats-the-difference/.

[2]Krishna-Hensel, Sai Felicia. Migrants, Refugees, and the Media: The New Reality of Open Societies. England, UK: Routledge, 2018. Print

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