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Tools, Tips and Tricks

Use the tools located to the right of your search results page to refine your keyword(s) or narrow your results to a specific location or date.

Use the Save this Search link to save your search for later use. Your search will be saved in "my treasure box" where you can periodically revisit the search to check for results from newly added content.

You can save newspaper pages to your treasure box by simply checking the box next to each search result you would like to save and clicking the "Save Result" button.

Each search result begins with the title of the paper. Clicking on the title willallow you to view the full size newspaper page in PDF format.

Each search result contains an excerpt of the text found on the page surrounding your keyword(s). Your keyword(s) will be highlighted within the excerpt.

The date found below each result is the original publish date of the newspaper page containing your result. Clicking on this link will narrow your search to newspapers from that date.

The City and State links found below each result indicate the newspapers publication location. Clicking on these links will narrow your results to that specific location.

To page through search results use the navigation found at the top and bottom of the search results page. This allows you to navigate through results one page at a time or jump to a page of results.
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