A conversation with Brené Brown about wrestling with and harnessing our emotions to turn setbacks into our best moments of change.

In exchange for mentoring and committee work, doctors at Stanford University can receive home-delivered meals, babysitting, handyman services and more -- all in an effort to improve work-life balance.

Only about half of federal workers say their talents are being used well in the workplace.

The popular author and TED speaker shares advice on how to stop comparing ourselves against others and why regrets can be constructive.



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Guidance for the negative thinker in all of us

A conversation with Brené Brown about wrestling with and harnessing our emotions to turn setbacks into our best moments of change.

Great entrepreneurs have these six skills

Interviews with 200 of the country’s leading entrepreneurs revealed a set of skills they all have in common.

How to make a good business leader

The dean of Duke's Fuqua School of Business talks about what scares and excites him most about today's MBA students.

New research finds a link between higher-priced public offerings and how well people rate the appearance of the company's CEO.

Ruth Porat's prominence at Google is just one example of the ascension of the CFO position in recent years.

A few companies have started realizing that longer maternity is only one part of the solution.

GE, long seen as Corporate America's bellwether for management practices, is joining the ranks of several large companies that have said goodbye to the annual performance review.

A conversation with the author and Stanford lecturer.

The number of S&P; 500 companies with all-male boards of directors has now dropped to an even dozen.

More business schools, where male students are still significantly in the majority, are launching men's groups about women's equality.

Well, sort of.

"One key thing that continued to come up is this notion of a higher purpose."

Paulette Brown will become the first black woman to lead the American Bar Association, in a profession where nearly 90 percent of lawyers are white.

Companies should think twice before playing copy cat.

The rule will lead to potentially embarrassing corporate revealings highlighting America's growing workplace pay gap.

The streaming giant, already revered for its workplace culture, earns another win for its young parents.

So why is the overall number of women on boards still relatively flat?

Roughly two-thirds of federal managers say it's rare for government workers to be reassigned or dismissed for poor performance.

Several readers said the problems begin with the selection of senior executives.

Goldman Sachs has brought in sleep experts, Google hosts "sleeposium" events and LinkedIn just launched a new program for its workers.

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