WTA 38: Testing software with Wikipedia

WTA 38: Testing software with Wikipedia

Date: 04/06/2013

Time: 10am PST / 1pm EST


Join Weekend Testing Americas on Saturday April 6th at 12pm CST for a special session with Chris McMahon from the Wikipedia test team. This session will focus on testing new features in the wikipedia product designed to enhance the user experience for new users. A secondary goal of this session will be to spend time having a public discussion about how wikipedia pages on software testing can be improved.

Session Charter:



To join, send a message to weekendtestersamericas 15 minutes prior to the session.

A full session transcript is available at the following link:



About the Author

Hi all, my name is Justin Rohrman. I'm originally from Houston, TX but landed in Nashville, TN a few years ago. I've been involved in software testing for about 8 years now in various industries (consulting development, oil and gas, pricing science and a few different flavors of healthcare). I'm an instructor for BBST classes run by the Association for Software and a brown belt in the miagi-do school of software testing.