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  • Top Columnists News
  1. Just Saying: Politicians not worker friendly

    Big government is bad. You hear that a lot from conservatives, usually as they're speaking on one of the federally mandated free-broadcast networks or being quoted in news stories delivered by the big government-created Internet.

    • Apr. 13, 2014
  2. Al Benn's Alabama: Long-gone educator's name lives on in Selma

    R.B. Hudson is long gone, but his name is still magic for those who never met him but credit their successes, in part, to his memory.

    • Apr. 8, 2014
  3. Just Saying: Too many of our leaders just following the money

    Money is the root of all evil. You used to hear that Bible verse all the time.

    • Apr. 6, 2014
  4. Former Rep. Greg Wren leaves the Montgomery County Courthouse after speaking to media representatives Tuesday. Amanda Sowards/Advertiser

    Wren's plea deal may lead to House Speaker Mike Hubbard

    Sometimes, there really is fire behind all of the smoke.

    • Apr. 2, 2014
  5. Celebrate the moment you've come full circle

    The moment itself is full of promise, of a hope not previously seen on the horizon. It is a moment when, after months of struggle, you stand atop a hill and raise your arms in victory, knowing the commitment it took to get there.

    • Apr. 1, 2014
  6. City of St. Jude Executive Director Douglas Watson stands next to a historic marker describing the facility's role as the start of the final leg of the Selma-to- Montgomery march in 1965. Alvin Benn/ Special to the Advertiser

    Al Benn's Alabama: City of St. Jude preps for civil rights march celebration

    Now that the clock is ticking on the golden anniversary celebration to mark the historic Selma-to-Montgomery march, the City of St. Jude is ready for any challenges it might face.

    • Mar. 31, 2014
  7. Target hack raises awareness of security threats

    Every week or two, we learn something new about the horrific data breach Target suffered late last year. If you recall, over Thanksgiving weekend the huge retailer got 'pwned,' as the hackers say, in one of the biggest data thefts in history.

    • Mar. 29, 2014
  8. Josh Moon's Just Saying: Car insurance: What happened to innocence?

    Innocent until proven guilty. That's a pretty big component of the justice system in America.

    • Mar. 30, 2014
  9. Army Sgt. Herschell Brown.

    Al Benn's Alabama: Army recruiter tries to motivate youths at Selma Y

    Military recruiters must be good at selling their product because competition is keen among the various branches.

    • Mar. 28, 2014
  10. Just Saying: Bentley shouldn't brag about state economy

    If you've traveled around Montgomery over the past several months, you've probably seen the large billboards with Gov. Robert Bentley's picture smiling at you with text proclaiming that he has engineered 'Alabama's economic recovery.'

    • Mar. 25, 2014
  11. Former Secretary of State Jim Bennett helped Barbara Square of Gees Bend obtain her first photo ID card last week. Alvin Benn/Special to the Advertiser

    Secretary of State Bennett still getting out the vote

    Jim Bennett is a man of many talents, so many in fact that he could well stand alone at the top of a long list of distinguished Alabamians.

    • Mar. 24, 2014
  12. Spring cleaning good for souls, too

    Changing from within is the hardest thing we can ask of ourselves. It takes work, commitment, time and an effort you'll only understand if you truly put yourself out there with a determination that things will not remain the same.

    • Mar. 24, 2014

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