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Syria talks bring offer of exit from siege of Homs

GENEVA - The Syrian government said women and children could leave the besieged rebel city of Homs on Sunday as negotiators from the warring sides discussed humanitarian gestures on a second day of face-to-face talks in Geneva. | Video

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Libya says five kidnapped Egyptian diplomats freed

TRIPOLI - Five Egyptian diplomats kidnapped in Tripoli in retaliation for Egypt's arrest of a Libyan militia commander have been freed, Libyan Deputy Foreign Minister Abdul Razak Al-Grady said on Sunday.

Egypt, Libya 5:08pm EST

Thai anti-government protester killed, adds to doubts over election

BANGKOK - A Thai anti-government protest leader was shot and killed in Bangkok on Sunday when violence erupted as demonstrators blocked early voting in many areas of the capital ahead of a disputed election next week.

Thailand 9:06pm EST

Netanyahu would let Israeli settlers live in future Palestine: report

JERUSALEM - Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will insist that Jewish settlers in the West Bank have a right to remain under Palestinian rule in any future peace deal, a government official was quoted as saying on Sunday.

Israel, Davos 5:42pm EST

Iraqi planes, artillery strike rebel-held Falluja

BAGHDAD - Iraqi government forces battling al Qaeda-linked militants intensified air strikes and artillery fire on the rebel-held city of Falluja on Sunday, and at least seven people were killed, according to hospital officials and tribal leaders.

United Nations, Iraq 4:04pm EST

New clashes as Ukraine's president tries to tempt opposition

KIEV - Police clashed with protesters in central Kiev on Sunday and the fate of Ukraine's government was uncertain after embattled President Viktor Yanukovich offered important posts to opposition leaders, including the role of prime minister. | Video

3:14pm EST