
Friday, November 11th 2011 - 08:03 UTC

FIFA protects Brazilian football chief Teixeira who faces corruption charges

Secretary General Jerome Valcke: ”in a democracy, everyone is innocent until proven guilty”

FIFA general secretary Jerome Valcke has dismissed claims of corruption against Brazilian football chief Ricardo Teixeira.Teixeira has faced bribery and fraud accusations in recent weeks, as he continues the task of preparing Brazil to host the World Cup in 2014.

Wednesday, November 9th 2011 - 07:14 UTC

FIFA warns Brazil about 2014 World Cup delays: “not a day to lose”

Secretary general Jerome Valcke speaks before the Brazilian congress

Brazil must hurry up and pass a package of new laws if the 2014 World Cup is to go ahead, FIFA secretary general Jerome Valcke told the country's Congress on Tuesday, adding there was “not a day to lose.”

Thursday, November 3rd 2011 - 07:49 UTC

Obama recovers position as the most powerful person in the world, says Forbes

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg among the world’s top ten

US President Barack Obama has regained the top spot in Forbes magazine's list of the world's most powerful people, edging out Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and last year's winner, Chinese President Hu Jintao, who slipped down to third.

Saturday, October 22nd 2011 - 00:40 UTC

Blatter announces anti-corruption plan and ‘good governance committee’

Nicolas Leoz, Blatter and Texeira what a defence!!<br />
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FIFA president Sepp Blatter announced his long-awaited anti-corruption plan Friday including a pledge to re-open the case into the collapse of former marketing partner ISL.

Friday, October 21st 2011 - 05:19 UTC

World Cup 2014 takes off in Sao Paulo and Maracana stadium the final

The monumental Maracaná stadium built for the 1959 Cup where Uruguay defeated Brazil in a historic match

Sao Paulo will host the opening match of the 2014 World Cup and Rio de Janeiro's Maracana stadium, where Uruguay in 1950 knocked out the host’s dream of its first Cup, will stage the final, FIFA announced Thursday.

Thursday, October 20th 2011 - 06:44 UTC

Brazil’s ‘beautiful game’ fans want big boss ‘cartola’ out

Texeira has managed Brazilian football undisputedly for the last 22 years

Ricardo Teixeira has dominated Brazilian football for so long that, like many of the best players, he is known by just one name. They call him the “cartola,” literally the “top hat,” a title given to football bosses that instil respect and fear in equal measure and can carry more than a hint of shadiness.

Wednesday, October 19th 2011 - 21:06 UTC

Who’s the best player ever: Pelé, Maradona, Romario or Messi?

Congress member Romario said Messi is good but still has some way to go

Former Barcelona (1993/95) striker Romario and 1994 World Cup champion came on stage to say that Argentine star Lionel Messi still has some way to go before he can call himself the best player ever.

Wednesday, October 19th 2011 - 20:51 UTC

What about “Life is short, have an affair” to sponsor a basketball team

Andrea Bargnani, who currently plays for the Toronto Raptors

Virtus Roma basketball team is in talks for a sponsorship deal with a website that helps unfaithful married people have an affair. Founder and president of www.ashleymadison.com Noel Biderman has been in talks with Roma president Claudio Toti for two days, something that has brought criticism from the Vatican.

Wednesday, October 19th 2011 - 07:07 UTC

Argentine football ‘dictator’ “Don Julio” elected for an ninth time running

Blatter’s right hand man Grondona in 2015 will have been at the helm of Argentine football for 36 years

FIFA senior vice-president Julio Grondona, key right-hand man to Sepp Blatter, won a record ninth four-year term as Argentine Football Association (AFA) chief on Tuesday which will keep him in office until 2015.

Wednesday, October 12th 2011 - 05:52 UTC

Football star says Brazil “can’t become a slave of FIFA”

Brazil football star Romario has said FIFA must not be allowed to dictate changes to Brazilian law ahead of the World Cup in 2014. Romario, who is now a congressman, said laws that guarantee half-price tickets to students and pensioners should not be swept away.

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