Rob Booth, 30, moonlighting from his job as an electrical contractor, poses for a photo with Danicet Cura and Briana Michel at The Rack.
[Luis Santana/tbt*]
Rob Booth, 30, moonlighting from his job as an electrical contractor, poses for a photo with Danicet Cura and Briana Michel at The Rack.
Local people

Sexy men serve up sizzle for Butlers in the Buff

Butlers in the Buff are available by the hour at parties to open doors, serve drinks and cozy up to guests — all while wearing just a bow tie, collar, cuffs and an apron with whatever God gave you underneath.
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The Juice
Roller coasters
Your summer theme park guide is ready to go
We've got complete theme park coverage, including our impressions of Busch Gardens' latest ride, the African-themed Cheetah Hunt. But wait, there's so much more!
Theaters show summer's worth of classic films
Tampa Theatre presents its annual Summer Classics series on Sundays through Aug. 28. Capitol Theatre in Clearwater serves up celluloid memories on Tuesdays through Aug. 30.
Boss Buddy Velasco  takes the cake
He comes to Tampa on Friday as part of his Bakin' with the Boss Tour. He'll talk about his TV show and family and demonstrate how to decorate a cake.
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Ultimate Bar Guide
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New to Tampa Bay or tired of the same old scene? Our annual bar guide is a must-read for people who like to have a good time – or at least a good stiff drink.
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Announce your wedding or engagement to the entire Tampa Bay area with a free ad in tbt*. Our Bliss feature runs first Monday of each month.
Adopt a pet, read about pets, or just look at cute pictures of them. It's all good and it's all in our weekly Paws feature.
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Why would anyone voluntarily attempt to see 50 concerts at 50 different venues in a single summer? Jay Cridlin shrugged and thought: Eh, why not.
Deal Divas Bizarre Florida
Stuck in the 80s The Feed