South African Police Service

Crime down, but still too high: govt

While South Africa's crime statistics for 2007/08 show a continuation of the steady decline in crime levels over the past five years, the level of crime in the country is still unacceptably high, says Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula.

Mbeki apologises for attacks on Africans

Speaking at a national memorial tribute, President Thabo Mbeki apologised on behalf of the people of South Africa to the families of those who died in the recent attacks on people from other African countries.

SA to target organised crime

While organised crime makes up a small percentage of total criminal activity in South Africa, it still wreaks havoc on society and is therefore being paid special attention by the government, says Safety and Security Minister Charles Nqakula.

'Africans cannot be foreigners in Africa'

Debating a parliamentary report on the attacks against people from other African countries that flared up in various parts of the country in May, South Africa's political parties united in condemning the violence - and in the view that "Africans cannot be foreigners in Africa".

We bow our heads in shame: Mbeki

South Africa had been shamed and humiliated by the wave of anti-foreigner violence that had broken out in parts of the country over the past two weeks, President Thabo Mbeki said in a special televised address to the nation on Sunday night.

Scorpions report made public

The long awaited, 144-page Khampepe report on South Africa's Directorate of Special Operations (also known as the Scorpions) was made public by Director-General in the Presidency Frank Chikane in Pretoria on Monday.

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The media in South Africa

The media in SA

A free and flourishing press, liberalised public and commercial radio and TV, vibrant community radio, an expanding internet presence and a resurgent film industry.

72 days that shaped South Africa

72 days that shaped South Africa

Just how "miraculous" was our transition to democracy? How close did we really come to civil war? Check out some press clippings of the 72 days leading up to SA's first democratic elections - and see how heavily the odds were stacked against "the rainbow nation".