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Privacy Statement


We are committed to protecting user privacy and complying with the Australian National Privacy Principles. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices in relation to the collection, use, and storage of information that you may provide via this website (Site). Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this Site.

Your Consent

By using this Site, you agree to be bound by this Privacy Policy. Whenever you submit information via this Site you consent to the: (i) collection, use, disclosure and storage of that information in accordance with this Privacy Policy; and (ii) receipt of emails about us and our activities from time to time.

Information Management

Like many websites, this Site collects information from its visitors both by permitting you to communicate directly with us via e-mail and feedback forms. Some of the information that you submit may be personally identifiable information (that is, information that can be uniquely identified with you, such as your full name, address, e-mail address, phone number, and so on).

Some areas of this Site may require you to submit information to enable you to benefit from the special features (such as newsletters and brochures) or to participate in a particular activity (such as an offer, competition or promotion). You will be informed at each information collection point as to what information is required and what information is optional. You consent to us using the information you have submitted to contact you in relation to those special features and activities and to administer your participation in those activities.

Passive Information Collection

We may use cookies to assign your computer a User ID so that we can identify your computer on our server. You may configure your web browser so that you are notified in advance so your internet browser will disable cookies. In some instances cookies may collect and store personal information about you. Any personal information collected via the use of cookies will only be used by us in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Use and Disclosure of Information

Except as otherwise stated, we may use your information to improve the Site, to communicate information to you, for our marketing, promotional, and research purposes, and for any other purposes specified in this Privacy Policy.

If you provide personally identifiable information to this Site, we may combine such information with other actively collected information unless we specify otherwise at the point of collection. We will take reasonable measures to prevent personally identifiable information from being combined with passively collected information, unless you consent otherwise.

We may disclose your personally identifiable information to our related bodies corporate, advisers or consultants including third parties who provide us with administrative services that agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy. In addition, we may disclose your personally identifiable information to third parties, located in Australia and/or any other country, but only (i) to third parties we use to support our business, in which case we will require such third parties to agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy; (ii) in connection with the sale, assignment, or other transfer of the business of this website to which the information relates, in which case we will require any such third party to agree to treat it in accordance with this Privacy Policy; or (iii) where required by applicable laws, court orders, or government regulations.

In addition, we will make full use of all information acquired through this Site that is not in personally identifiable form.

Access, Correction and Deletion

You are able to request access to the information that is being held about you (contact details below). We will provide you with details of the personally identifiable information and for what purposes it is being held. We will also provide you with details of how we collect, use, hold and disclose this information.

You may also request that we update or amend any personally identifiable information being held about you. We will take reasonable steps to update or correct as soon as possible any information in our possession via this website that you have previously submitted that is inaccurate, incomplete, out-of-date or misleading.

Security and Transborder data flow

We take reasonable steps to protect your personally identifiable information as you transmit your information from your computer to our Site and to protect such information from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

However, you should keep in mind that the transmission of information over the Internet is not completely secure or error-free. In particular, e-mail sent to or from this Site may not be secure, and you should therefore take special care in deciding what information you send to us via e-mail.

Personal data will not be transferred outside Australia unless we reasonably believe that the information will remain subject to principles for fair handling of the information which are substantially similar to the Australian National Privacy Principles and will not be collected, held, used or disclosed by the recipients of the information in a manner inconsistent with this policy.

Links to Other Websites

This Site may contain links or references to other websites. Please be aware that we do not control other websites and that this Privacy Policy does not apply to those websites. We encourage you to read the privacy policy of every website you visit.

Other Terms

Your use of this Site is subject to our Terms above.

How to Contact Us

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the information practices of this Site, or if you do not want us to use or retain your personal information any more, or wish to withdraw any consents you have provided, please contact us as follows:

Email: feedback@wyd2008.org
Telephone: +61 2 9390 5100
Communications Manager
World Youth Day office
Level 5
Polding Centre
133 Liverpool Street

Changes to This Privacy Policy

If this Privacy Policy changes, the revised policy will be posted on this Site. Please check back periodically, and especially before you provide any personally identifiable information.

This Privacy Policy was last updated on 9 April 2006.

© WYD 2008 as trustee for the World Youth Day 2008 Trust

Privacy Statement
© Copyright and ™ WYD 2008