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Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site of Canada
2 Auteuil Street
P.O. Box 10, Station B
Québec, Quebec
G1K 7A1
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Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site of Canada

What's New

Your point of view matters!
Public Conusultation 2006

Preoccupied with continually renewing its program, the Cartier-Brébeuf National Historic Site of Canada team is pleased to present this year's new attractions.

Visits for children in day-care centres and centres de la petite enfance

New - an outdoor puppet show! Join the adventure with Titum, the Amerindian shaman.
A one-hour show, including a surprise for the taste buds...

Animations on the Amerindian Site

A parks Canada guide dressed in a traditional Amerindian suit, is showing an object to young kids.
What's new
© Parks Canada / Pascal Teste

Visitors, in search of an unforgettable experience, keep on coming back for the animations of our Amerindian site. Many surprises await you behind the palisade of our longhouse and its garden. Find out the dates of our animations by checking out the Calendar of Events.

New information booth

A kid is looking at pieces of jewellery.
Educational activity
© Parks Canada / Xavier Bonacorsi

In view of raising public awareness about the Jesuits' settlement in Québec in 1625-26, on the actual Cartier-Brébeuf site, a new information booth has been set-up along the banks of the Saint-Charles River. With the help of interpretation panels, visitors will discover historic themes pertaining to Ignatus of Loyola and the Society of Jesus, the arrival of Jesuit missionaries, one of which was Jean de Brébeuf, the Notre-Dame-des-Anges Residence and the Huron Seminary.

"Who is ... ACER SACCHARUM?"

(Educational activity for school daycare students)

This new 90-minute activity allows students to discover all the native Canadian uses for maple sap, taste its sweetness, and slip on snowshoes to become familiar with the wonders of the sugar maple.


Through the "Ambassador" programme, Parks Canada wishes to encourage visitors to come back to our national historic sites with their friends and family.

So, the next time you visit one of our participating sites (Artillery Park, Fortifications of Québec, Cartier-Brébeuf, Old Port of Québec Interpretation Centre and Lévis Forts), ask for your ambassador privilege. This way, when you return with your friends and family, your visit will be free of charge.

This privilege will be valid for a year.

For more information, please contact the participating sites:

Last Updated: 2007-01-03 To the top
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