Megalithic Portal Terms of Use

0.1 Access to and use of this web site is provided by / / (The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map), herinafter referred to as is subject to the following terms and conditions ("Terms and Conditions"). For the previous terms 3 to 16 please see section 7 below.

0.2 Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions which take effect when you first use this site.

1. Behaviour Policy

1.1 Where possible we operate a strict moderation policy to make a pleasant place for everyone, established members and newcomers alike.

1.2 Posts which are considered to be unnecessarily unpleasant, sarcastic or otherwise offensive e.g. repeatedly denigrating other posters’ viewpoints will be removed without any explanation or further discussion. Please see sections 7.15 and 7.16 below for further details

2. Personal Safety

2.1 accepts no liability or responsibility for the personal safety of individuals or groups using information taken from this website. strongly advises users to read and follow standard safety guidelines for outdoor activities and to also read and follow advice given by appropriate safety bodies and associations. Safety should be your primary concern at all times.

2.2 Some entries in the website can be difficulty to reach and may be located in remote areas. It is your personal responsibility to ensure that you are operating well within your own personal limits.

2.3 You should always carry the correct survival equipment and clothing before embarking on a visit to any of the sites listed in the website and should be prepared for changes in the weather. Your safety is your responsibility.

2.4 GPS are complex electronic devices and can fail. Always carry appropriate backup map and compass for the circumstances and also be proficient in their use. You are obliged to use this site and any content found within this site in a manner consistent with safe and prudent navigation practices. You shall always carry alternative means of navigation, and shall not rely on any information within this site in any role that is critical to the safety of life or property.

3. Access

3.1 Many of the sites listed on are not open to the public and permission to visit a site should always be sought from the landowner or tenant. No information posted on should be taken as an indication that their permission will be given.

4. Sites are protected by law

4.1 In the UK and elsewhere, many sites are protected and it is a criminal offence to damage them. It is also an offence in the UK to use a metal detector on a scheduled ancient monument or without the permission of the landowner. Please check the rules for the country you are visiting.

Please see also the Charter of Responsible Megalithic Webmasters, (which is not part of these T&Cs).

5. Contributors

5.1 When you submit information to, you assign to the right to use your pictures, instructions and descriptions, on the website, however the ownership and copyright of the contribution remains your own. You agree that can modify your information for the purposes of space and clarity eg. editorial revisions.

5.2 You acknowledge that the words and pictures you submit to are entirely your own and have not been copied from any other source. However quoting short extracts from other sources is fine as long as you credit the source, including with a web link if the information is accessible on the web.

5.3 does not usually offer remuneration for contributions accepted and used by, however we are always interested in discussing other forms of reward (eg. offering publicity, advertising, books or other items from our online shop) for outstanding original material where practicable. Any such reward must be agreed with us in advance.

5.4 reserves the right to not publish contributions or remove it from the website. The decision of on whether contributed information is acceptable or not is final.

5.5 will endeavour to include submitted information as quickly as possible but it may take several weeks to be completed and accepted onto the website.

5.6 Once information or photographs have been accepted for publication, is not able to remove submitted information or photographs in bulk as we do not have the technical facilities to do this. Individual removal requests will be dealt with on a case by case basis by the Editor.

6. Proprietary Rights

You acknowledge and agree that the entire content, design and the selection and arrangement of the content and material contained in this site, including but not limited to text, software (including applets), photographs, graphics, video, page layout, is protected by copyrights, trade marks, service marks, patents, or other proprietary rights and laws. You acknowledge and agree that you are permitted to use this material and information only on the bases expressly set out below and any use such as but not limited to: copying, reproducing, transmitting, distributing, or creating derivative works of such content or information is prohibited without the prior express written authorisation of

6.1 You are permitted to print and download extracts from this site only on the following bases:

a. use of documents and related graphics on this site is for personal use only. If you want to use items for other purposes, you must contact the person credited and get their permission. Our Private Messaging system or Forum is a good way to do this.

b. any copies of these pages saved to disk or to any other storage medium may only be used for subsequent viewing purposes or to print extracts for personal use;

c. no documents or related graphics on this site are to be modified in any way;

d. no part of this site may be reproduced or stored in any other website or included in any public or private electronic retrieval system or service without the prior written permission of

7. General Terms Continued

7.1 & 7.2 not used to keep numbering in line with previous terms 3 to 16.

7.3 reserves the right to change these Terms and Conditions at any time by posting changes online, an announcement of changes will be posted on our main page. Your continued use of this site after changes are posted constitutes your acceptance of this agreement as modified by the posted changes.

7.4 Whilst endeavours to ensure that this site is normally available 24 hours a day, will not be liable if for any reason the site is unavailable at any time or for any period. does not guarantee the functions contained in the site will be uninterrupted or error-free, or that defects will be corrected even if is aware of them (although we appreciate being notified with suggestions for improvements). does not guarantee that this site or its server will be free of viruses or other harmful components, however we will endeavor take reasonable steps to remove these should we become aware of them.

7.5 Access to this site may be suspended temporarily or permanently and without notice. may terminate use of the service with or without cause at any time and effective immediately, at the sole discretion of shall not be liable to the user or any third party for termination of service.

7.6 Whilst endeavours to ensure that the information on this site is correct, no warranty, express or implied, is given as to its accuracy and does not accept any liability for error or omission.

7.7 Parts of this site contain materials submitted to by third parties. Third parties are responsible for ensuring that materials submitted for inclusion on this site comply with national and foreign law. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of this material and expressly disclaim any responsibility for error, omission or inaccuracy in the material. We also expressly disclaim any liability for direct and indirect losses however caused through reliance on the material contained on this site or any failure or alleged failure in the delivery of the services referred to herein, or in event of the bankruptcy, liquidation or cessation of trade of any company, individual or firm referred to herein.

7.8 shall not be liable for any damages (including, without limitation, damages for loss of business or loss of profits) arising in contract, tort or otherwise from the use of or inability to use this site, or any material contained in it, or from any action or decision taken as a result of using this site or any such material.

7.9 You agree to fully indemnify and its affiliates, officers, and employees against any loss, liability, claim, demand, damage, and expense (including reasonable legal fees) arising from or in connection with your use of this site.

7.10 If any of these terms should be determined to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by reason of the laws of any state or country in which these terms are intended to be effective, then to the extent and within the jurisdiction in which that term is illegal, invalid or enforceable, it shall be severed and deleted from the clause concerned and the remaining terms and conditions shall survive, remain in full force and effect and continue to be binding and enforceable.

7.11 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the English courts shall have exclusive jurisdiction for hearing any dispute arising under this agreement.

7.12 The failure of to exercise or enforce any right or provision of these Terms and Conditions shall not constitute a waiver of such right or provision.

7.13 not used to keep numbering in line with original terms posted as 3 to 16.

7.14 The section titles in these Terms and Conditions are for convenience only and have no legal or contractual effect.

7.15 Repeatedly posting personal or offensive comments about individual members of the public, contributors or people involved in the running of may be considered harassment. We reserve the right to remove such messages and take action against those responsible.

7.16 reserves the right to remove any other comment, contribution or user ID without warning. Continual re-posting of the same comment, forum post or other contribution that has been removed or reappearing under a new login ID or IDs will be constitued as an unwanted spam posting (analagous to spam e-mail). Notice is hereby given that will endeavor to recover damages from those who persist in such activity. Where such individuals can be identified, proceedings may be started to recover compensation at market rates for the time and expenses involved in blocking contributions or user IDs, or cleaning up any such unsolicited comments from

7.17 Any rights not expressly granted in these Terms and Conditions are reserved to (1769 total words in this text)
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