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The Megalithic Portal and Megalith Map : Index >>Portal Talking Shop
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 Megalithic Portal Rules 1 TheDruid-3X3 122 10-04-2024 at 13:16 by Andy B
 Some sites to locate and create site pages for
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404 Andy B 30103 14-03-2024 at 22:31 by Andy B
 Most Online. 2 BERNARDQUATERMASS 131 20-02-2024 at 01:29 by BERNARDQUATERMASS
 Maps and search not working for me 6 BuckyE 232 07-02-2024 at 15:21 by Andy B
 Migration to our new server has been postponed 3 Andy B 225 29-01-2024 at 11:05 by Andy B
 Photo suggestions wanted to make a new set of top banner images for our pages 11 Andy B 359 05-01-2024 at 12:54 by Andy B
 The banner at the top of every Portal page may be trying to tell me something...... 8 w650marion 273 29-10-2023 at 18:12 by w650marion
 Google Earth Pro GEP 1 Marco23 169 06-10-2023 at 16:56 by Andy B
 Megalithic Portal various tweaks and improvements
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124 Andy B 9262 25-08-2023 at 12:10 by Andy B
 Icelandic burial mounds etc. 5 CharcoalBurner89 331 20-08-2023 at 18:28 by bat400
 Google stats for our new responsive design 4 Andy B 329 04-07-2023 at 20:17 by DavidHoyle
 Our New Megalithic Portal Responsive Design is Live! 13 Andy B 2970 10-06-2023 at 16:20 by Andy B
 8 April 2024 Total Eclipse across North America - Viewing from Ancient sites 1 bat400 503 27-04-2023 at 11:06 by davidmorgan
 List of sites around Brora (Sutherland) to add if we don't already have them 4 Andy B 3079 17-03-2023 at 11:29 by javanw
 Volunteers wanted to research and add new sites to our ancient site database 6 Andy B 618 23-01-2023 at 20:40 by DavidHoyle
 Amateur archaeologist uncovers ice age 'writing' system 2 Andy B 440 08-01-2023 at 19:34 by drolaf
 GPS POI downloads for Garmin and other GPS / Satnavs 16 Andy B 10703 04-12-2022 at 10:50 by Andy B
 How to add photos from Flickr to the Megalithic Portal 2 Andy B 403 03-12-2022 at 21:15 by Andy B
 Megalithic Portal iPhone App - latest news
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23 Andy B 4437 27-11-2022 at 12:33 by Andy B
 Changing the PID image on my blog 2 cactus_chris 181 12-11-2022 at 15:11 by cactus_chris
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