Emergency Phone Numbers

Although it is unlikely that you will need the information, it is useful to have a list of emergency phone numbers with you when travelling in Latin America, in case of emergency.

Make a note of your country's emergency Embassy or Consulate phone number for each country you will visit too.

The most important phone numbers are listed below for each country.

Tourist Police: 43465748
Fire Service: 100 Buenos Aires, 4304 2222 or 4381 2222 (other locations)
Medical Emergency: 107 Buenos Aires, 4923 1051 or 4923 1052 or 4923 1053 (other locations)
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 4348 7000
Lost or stolen Visa: 4379 3400

Police: 110
Fire Service: 119
Medical Emergency: 118
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 800-10-0172
Lost or stolen Visa: 800-10-0188

Police: 133
Fire Service: 132
Medical Emergency: 131
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 1230-020-2012
Lost or stolen Visa: 1230-020-2136

Costa Rica
Police: 911
Fire Service: 911
Medical Emergency: 911
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 0-800-011-0184
Lost or stolen Visa: 0-800-011-0030

Police: 106
Fire Service: 105
Medical Emergency: 104, 838-1185 Havana, 76-2317 Pinar del Rio, 32-4170 Isla de la Juventud, 2-8500 Matanzas, 185 Ciego de Avila and Granma, 4-9192 Las Tunas, Santiago 62-3300, 4-3472 Baracoa
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 1-636-722-7111 (reverse charges call)
Lost or stolen Visa: 410-581-9994 or 410-581-3836 (reverse charges call)

Dominican Republic
All Emergency Services: 911 or 112
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 1-800-307-7309
Lost or stolen Visa: 1-800-847-2911

All Emergency Services: 911 (except Guayaquil)
All Emergency Services in Guayaquil: 112 or *112 (mobile), 103 for traffic accidents, 131 for red cross
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 1-636-722-7111 (reverse charges call)
Lost or stolen Visa: 410-581-9994 or 410-581-3836 (reverse charges call)

Police: 110
Fire Service: 123
Medical Emergency: 120
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 1-800-999-1480
Lost or stolen Visa: 1-800-999-0115

All Emergency Services: 066 or 060 or 080
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 001-800-307-7309
Lost or stolen Visa: 001-800-847-2911

Police: 105
Fire Service: 116
Medical Emergency: 117
Civil Defence and Distasters: 115
Lost or stolen Mastercard: 0-800-307-7309
Lost or stolen Visa: 800-890-0623