Fazal Mahmood

Pakistani cricketer

Fazal Mahmood, Pakistani cricketer (born Feb. 18, 1927, Lahore, India—died May 30, 2005, Lahore, Pak.), was a right-arm fast-medium bowler who played in 34 Test matches for Pakistan between 1952 and 1962, including 10 as captain. Fazal quickly established himself as a key bowler in the first Pakistan Test teams after the partition of India. He took 20 wickets in the first official Pakistan Test series, played against India in 1952–53. He achieved that feat again in the 1954 series against England, taking 12 wickets for 99 runs in Pakistan’s victory (its first against England) at the Oval. He captained the side against the West Indies (1958–59), Australia (1959–60), and India (1960–61). In his first-class career (1943–64), Fazal played in 112 matches, scored 2,662 runs at an average of 23.35, with one century, and took 466 wickets at an average of 18.96, with a best bowling analysis of nine for 43. In 34 Test matches he scored 620 runs at an average of 14.09, with no centuries, and took 139 wickets at an average of 24.70, with a best bowling analysis of seven for 42.

This article was most recently revised and updated by Karen Sparks, Director and Editor, Britannica Book of the Year.

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Fazal Mahmood
Pakistani cricketer
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