Sulaiman Range

mountains, Pakistan

Sulaiman Range, mountain mass in central Pakistan, extending southward about 280 miles (450 km) from the Gumal Pass to just north of Jacobabad, separating Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Punjab from Balochistan. Its heights gradually decrease toward the south, with summits averaging 6,000–7,000 feet (1,800–2,100 metres), the highest being the twin peaks (30 miles [48 km] from the Gumal Pass) called Takht-i-Sulaiman, or Solomon’s Throne, which legend connects with Solomon’s visit to Hindustan; the higher of the peaks, at 18,481 feet (5,633 metres), is the site of a ziyārat (shrine) visited annually by many pilgrims. The range’s eastern face dips steeply to the Indus River, but on the west the range declines more gradually. Juniper and edible pines abound in the north and olives in the centre, but vegetation is scarce in the south. The Ghat, Zao, Chuhar Khel Dhana, and Sakhi Sarwar are the principal passes in the north. In the south, west of Dera Ghazi Khan, lies the hill station of Fort Munro (6,303 feet [1,921 metres]).

This article was most recently revised and updated by Noah Tesch, Associate Editor.

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Sulaiman Range
Mountains, Pakistan
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